Our name pays homage to the Dutch Florin, the first truly global currency. It led to thriving cross-border trade and served as a platform to connect previously isolated markets. Digital assets have the potential to disrupt global markets in the same way the Florin enabled 0 to 1 innovation four centuries ago.

James Burkett | Partner

James has over 10 years of deep financial services experience with fintechs, regulated entities, global financial conglomerates, as well as crypto protocols. 

Previously, he led Finance & Strategy for DeFi protocol Parallel Finance and before that at Polly. Prior to his operating experience, James was a Vice President at Sandler O’Neill + Partners. 

James completed his first Bitcoin transaction in 2012. He is based in Austin, TX where he is an active angel investor and advisor. 

Feyo Sickinghe | Partner

Feyo has over 12 years of finance and investment experience with a passion for crypto infra, DeFi and Web3.

Previously, he was the Head of Digital Assets at Target Global, the CFO of ONI, L/S equity analyst at Och-Ziff and M&A analyst at JPMorgan.

Feyo is an angel investor and advisor to several crypto projects. He is based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Copyright © 2024 Florin Digital Group Ltd. All rights reserved.

Florian Unger | Principal

Florian has over two years as a technical crypto researcher with a special focus on zero-knowledge proofs and blockchain infrastructure.

Previously, he was a growth investor at Target Global supporting seed to pre-IPO companies.

Florian is an active early-stage investor, a fan of history and politics and an avid (half) marathoner.